Claims for Cancer from Ranitidine Use

Cancer from Ranitidine Use

A claim for cancer from Ranitidine use is one of the most requested drugs from patients who have been diagnosed with this disease. Ranitidine, also known as Zantac, is a popular treatment for people who are suffering from Famaglia Gastric Dilators (GERD), Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It was initially approved by the FDA in 1990 to treat gastric ulcers, but it was not until later that this drug was approved to treat cancer. There are two classifications of Ranitidine, which include the “anti-toxic” and the “cardio-metabolic” drugs.

  • As an anti-toxic, Ranitidine is used to treat nausea, vomiting, spasticity and certain side effects associated with stomach ulcers, heartburn and acid reflux. Some studies also suggest that this drug can help reduce the effects of certain cancerous tumors. Based on these claims, Ranitidine was approved by the FDA in 1990. However, research conducted on rats and premature deaths in these animals do not appear to support these claims. There are no published studies in the medical literature that indicate any significant effect of Ranitidine on either cancer or other diseases.
  • There are also claims for cancer from ranitidine use for the cardiovascular system. Two of the cardiovascular effects that may occur from ranitidine use are increased blood pressure and an increase in heart rate. These claims are not supported by the medical research studies. If these effects are caused by ranitidine, it would be expected that the heart rate would rise when taking ranitidine. However, there are no published studies that report this effect and therefore there is no basis for these claims.
  • Another claim for cancer from ranitidine is an effect on the prostate. One of the effects that the FDA has cited as being associated with ranitidine is an increase in prostate tumor size. However, there are no published studies that support this claim. In fact, there are reports that point out that the prostate tumor growth stopped after the use of ranitidine.
  • Many of the other claims for cancer from ranitidine have not been supported by the current scientific research. One such claim is that the drug can reduce the risk of ejaculation in women. The effect of ranitidine on the prostate gland in men is also not known. Similarly, the effect of ranitidine on the heart and other bodily systems is not well understood.

Overall, the claims for side effects from ranitidine cannot be substantiated. The possible effect on the sex organs may occur in rare cases. But they are unlikely to account for most of the cancer claims.

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