Lead Generation Marketing for Legal Leads

Marketing for Legal Leads

The American Bar Association asserts that legal lead services cost 60 to 80% less than Google Ads campaigns.

After all, how big of a difference would that percentage of your costs back do for your firm’s financial well-being?

If you’re pouring money into lead generation marketing without results, it’s natural to look elsewhere. But where should you start, and how does it work?

Find the answers to those questions and more regarding the lead generation business in the paragraphs below!

Targeted Inbound Marketing

While you may have a decent understanding of SEO, living with it, day-to-day can make you an expert. Another way to look at this is to consider the difference between yourself and a professional quarterback. You may throw a football well, but nobody can compete with an NFL athlete.

Assume that you have a desperate need for workers compensation leads for a moment. You may know the keywords you want, but a company specializing in lead generation for law firms will understand the challenges. Attracting inbound leads requires daily dedication to a shifting market, and you may not have that kind of time.

High-Quality Content

An internet-savvy audience can identify cheap attempts to snatch information with ease. Even well-written content that doesn’t follow recent best practices can fail to generate the numbers you dream about at night.

Companies that focus on pulling legal leads from the internet wilderness have a clear advantage. Some may even have proprietary tactics for funneling leads their way from Google or other marketing platforms.

As a bonus, you’re going to receive leads that meet essential criteria like:

  • Active interest in scheduling a consultation
  • Living within the local area
  • Genuine interest in your firm’s specialty

The attention that you attract from the web can also be difficult to evaluate. Having a company that focuses on legal leads for attorneys can help you overcome the most common challenges you can face.

Creating a Sales Funnel with Less Pain

Sales professionals and attorneys alike often refer to what’s known as a sales funnel. The prospects about to drop into your lap are at the bottom, while a larger pool of hopefuls stacks toward the top. Unfortunately, creating one that pays off requires a significant amount of time and patience.

While you could certainly put forward an effort and make this happen yourself, you may do so at higher costs. And when your court dates start to pile onto the calendar, you cannot maintain the same level of effort without even more sleepless nights. What is lead generation good for if not preventing you from having to juggle sales efforts with providing legal counsel?

Want to Know More About Lead Generation Marketing for Lawyers?

After reading this article, do you feel like taking on lead generation marketing for your firm is worth the investment? Start by exploring the highest-rated options in the market. Once you’ve collected some pricing and set your budget, your key performance indicators will also come into focus.

Do you want more marketing advice for law firms? Check out more of the expert advice that we offer on our blog before you leave!

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